How to work at the world’s most remote post office in Antarctica How to work at the world’s most remote post office in Antarctica

A UK charity is recruiting a team to work at Port Lockroy post office and shop, located 11,000 miles away in Antarctica. Oh, and counting penguins is part of the job description…
07 April 2022

Is an adventure to Antarctica on your ultimate bucket list? Would your dream job be living amongst penguins? If so, this British Charity could have the perfect position for you.

The UK Antarctic Heritage Fund are recruiting people to spend five months in Antarctica manning the world’s most remote post office.

The hired staff will be based at Port Lockroy on Goudier Island on the Antarctic Peninsula, originally a British Base between 1944 and 1962, before becoming a post office and museum in 2006.

Successful applicants will also be responsible for keeping tabs on the local penguin population by conducting regular counts.

The team will work at the post office in Port Lockroy (Shutterstock)

The Cambridge-based charity usually advertises for the position every year, and they expect to receive hundreds of applications. However it is the first time the post has been open since the pandemic began.

Three to four positions are available, including base leader, shop manager and general assistant. Employees will be tasked with running the post office, museum, gift shop and counting the resident gentoo penguins.

Those who apply should be physically fit, be environmentally aware, and realise the challenges and limitations of life when living in sub-zero temperatures with no running water and electricity. A full list of requirements can be found in the application pack.

Around 18,000 people venture to the site every year to experience the ice-covered continent, but it’s a rare opportunity to reside here for five months permanently. 

Applications close on 25 April 2022, followed by interview stages. Those who are successful will undergo training in October before travelling to Port Lockroy and remaining there from November through to March – summer in the Antarctic.

Find out more and apply at ukaht.org

Part of the role includes keeping count of local penguins (Shutterstock)

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