Wander Women: 13 incredible female travellers and the destinations that inspire them

Sophie Darlington on Antarctica

Sophie and Julie Monière staging a women’s march in Antarctica (Sophie Darlington)

Sophie is an award-winning wildlife cinematographer, whose job takes her all over the world

“One place in the world that is particularly important to me as a woman is Antarctica. I went there in 2017 with camerawoman and explorer, Julie Monière – who is right now crossing Lake Baikal solo. Julie and I staged our own ‘women’s march’ amongst a few 100,000 Adelie penguins.

“I’m lucky enough to be ‘godmother’ to some incredible women and girls and truly believe, as Gloria Steinem said, that ‘the best way for us to cultivate fearlessness in our daughters and other young women is by example. If they see their mothers and other women in their lives going forward despite fear, they’ll know it’s possible’.”

Alice Morrison on the Sahara Desert

Alice on her adventures in the Sahara Desert (Alice Morrison)

Alice is an adventurer, TV presenter and writer. She was also the first woman to trek Morocco’s Draa River

Walking across the Sahara (Alice Morrison)

“Some people might think that travelling as a lone, western women with three Amazigh (Berber) men – who are strict Muslims and don’t speak any English – would be difficult.

But walking across the Sahara with Lhou, Addi and Brahmin was one of the best and most fulfilling adventures of my life.

“We women can do anything we want to and the most important thing to remember is that we are all in the human family.

Thank you to all the women and men who support adventures and Happy International Women’s Day.”

Ami Vitale on Kenya

Ami Vitale stops at nothing to get her shot (c/o Ami Vitale)

Ami is an award-winning photojournalist who has travelled to over 100 countries

“The magic of travel photography really begins when you stay in a place and give yourself enough time to gain insight and understanding. One of those places is Sarara Campin the Namunyak Wildlife Conservancy of northern Kenya, where Reteti Elephant Sanctuary is located.

At Reteti, community-based wildlife keepers work to rehabilitate abandoned and orphaned elephants in order to return them to the nearby wild herds. The sanctuary isn’t just about saving elephants; it’s about breaking down stereotypes and redefining wildlife management. When people realise that they can benefit from healthy elephant populations, they’re proud to take care of wildlife.

“Reteti is also empowering young Samburu women to be the first-ever women elephant keepers in all of Africa. At first, the community didn’t think there was a place for women in the workplace. Now, the success of these women elephant keepers is unlocking new possibilities and setting a powerful example for young girls hoping to pursue their dreams…

Witnessing women being given opportunities to unlock their full potential has inspired me to push through my own personal barriers and work harder to uplift others.”

Mya-Rose Craig on Bolivia

Mya-Rose during her first visit to Bolivia, when she was just nine years old (c/o Mya-Rose Craig)

Mya-Rose, also known as Birdgirl is the world’s top teen birder. Aged 16, she became the youngest person on Earth to see 5,000 birds

Mya-Rose and her trusty binoculars (c/o Mya-Rose Craig)

“When I was nine years old, my parents took me birding to South America. That’s when I first visited Bolivia, my all-time favourite destination.

We visited Sadiri Eco-lodge in Madidi National Park in the Amazon near Rurrenabaque, set up by the indigenous community of San José de Uchupiamonas. They showed their resolve by banning logging, instead investing in building a lodge.

“This is where I met Ruth Alipaz who grew up deep in the Amazon. Age 12, she visited her mother and step-father in Rurrenabaque. A woman from their community asked her to pass on a message to her mother saying that she had a baby that needed accompanying to La Paz, where the parents had moved and now settled.

Ruth returned to the woman later that day, lying and telling her that Ruth’s mother had agreed for Ruth to take the baby.

“Ruth took the baby, running away to the capital and stayed with the family for a while, before working, studying and becoming the first person from her community to finish high school, later gaining a degree and masters.

Ruth then returned to her community, persuaded them to reject a logging contract and to vote to build an eco-lodge, which the 750 inhabitants now rely on. Ruth Alipaz is one of the most inspirational people that I have met.”

Jessica Yew on The Democratic Republic of the Congo

Jessica Yew in the Congo DRC (Jessica Yew)

Jessica is the director of Sticky Rice Tours, a tour op in Sabah, Borneo. Here, she reflects on the inspirational women of the Congo DRC

“My experience of visiting Virunga National Park in the Congo DRC was one of the most astounding travel experiences I’ve ever had.

I went with the intention of seeing mountain gorillas after being inspired by the documentary Virunga but walked away with so much more. Part of this was meeting the women rangers of Virunga.

We got picked up at the border of Rwanda by Virunga National Park’s driver, accompanied by two female rangers armed with AK-47s. I later learned that since 2014, women were allowed to try for admission to be a part of the elite team of rangers who risk their lives every day to protect the park, also considered the most dangerous job in wildlife.

They can work up to 24-hour shifts escorting tourists, guarding visitors and protecting the park from poachers, illegal loggers, and anti-government rebels. Since 1996, more than 160 rangers have tragically lost their lives defending the park.

“Having always been an advocate for women’s participation in male-dominated jobs, their life stories and journeys inspired me tremendously. I applaud their resilience of having to weather negativity as a result of challenging the status quo, and their perseverance when it comes to completing the gruelling trainings.

They are basically the female ambassadors of the Congo DRC who are redefining women’s roles in our society.”

Tania Esteban on Papua New Guinea

Tania receiving a warm welcome in Papua New Guinea (c/o Tania Esteban)

Tania is a zoologist and wildlife filmmaker. Here, she shares what it’s like to go solo in Papua New Guinea

A bird of paradise found in Papua New Guinea (Shutterstock)

“One of my favourite places to visit is Papua New Guinea, one of the most biodiverse places on our planet and home to over 895 bird species including the famed birds of paradise.

Many know it to be a notoriously dangerous place for women to travel to, with rates of domestic abuse high. Sadly, this beautiful country is not on the top of many solo female travellers’ lists.

“I recently went on a shoot with a team of two to film these rare birds, and for me, getting the opportunity to visit this staggeringly beautiful country, meet its incredible people and see the remarkable wildlife was truly a blessing.

“The amazing women I met in some of the local villages were equally inspirational as we set off in search of the birds. Maia, who lives in a remote village 3,000m high in the Upper Montane forests, welcomed me to the village along with all the other women who had not seen a white European girl before.

“In a country with over 850 different languages, the only way we could communicate (apart from with my broken Pidgin English) was with the universal language of dance.

“We all partook in an enormous flash mob in the village, freestyling it with a mixture of salsa and contemporary bird courtship dance moves, which I had been studying before the shoot.

The women looked positively radiant and resplendent dressed in traditional head gear and paint, with me looking rather less appealing covered in sweat and donning my hiking gear (at this point with a thick layer of mud).

They blessed our onward journey and gave me a new nickname – ‘upisa oromo’, which translated literally means bird of paradise girl! A name and experience I shall treasure forever.”

Julie Monière on Antarctica

Julie marching with the penguins in Antarctica (Julie Monière)

Videographer, camerawoman and biologist Julie is currently attempting to cross Lake Baikal solo. Here’s how Antarctica shaped her as a woman

“Once upon a time, not that long ago, women were not allowed to step foot onto the Antarctic continent. Back in the 80’s when I was little girl, I kept dreaming about Antarctica, a fairy tale world I could only see in pictures. I made a promise to myself that one day I would go.

“In 2016, my dream came true. I was on my way to the end of the world on the Disney Nature film Penguin. The reality was more spectacular than my wildest dreams. I was literally in heaven. It was one of the most hostile yet peaceful places I have ever been to.

“During my time in Antarctica, I also met some incredibly strong and bright women who play an important part in science on this continent. I even met one of the first women scientists allowed on the continent which was a very special moment for me.

This meeting made me realise that, with time, patience and courage, everything is possible. We should never give up our dreams. One day, I hope we will have a more balanced world where men and women can live and work together in harmony.”

Shiree Francis on Bali, Indonesia

A rice terrace in Bali (Shutterstock)

Shiree is a digital nomad who founded SAF, an online company that helps digital nomads work from anywhere in the world

Shiree Francis in Bali (c/o Shiree Francis)

“Mama Bali is such a magical island. I have been living here since 2018 and Bali was the first place that fully allowed me to connect more with my feminine energy instead of against it.

“I take part in cacao ceremonies, sound healing and yoga every week, which allows me to tune into my feminine side even more.

“Also, I have had the pleasure to connect with some amazing, beautiful, conscious women from all over the world, who accept me for me no matter what.

Being in an environment where I can be myself unapologetically has made a huge difference in my life. YES to the sisterhood.”

Ness Knight on Namibia

San Buhsmen in Namibia (Shutterstock)

Explorer, conservationist and ocean advocate Ness has completed a diverse collection of global expeditions in extreme environments. Currently, she’s in Namibia

“As I sit beside a roaring fire, beneath a marula tree in the north-east of Namibia, I’m surrounded by San Bushmen and women. I’ve come here to embed with them and learn primitive survival skills from the most ancient civilisation on Earth.

Not only that, I’m a female asking to be taught how to make bows, poison arrows, assegais and a plethora of tools that all make up – what is in their culture – a thoroughly male role. But somehow, I’m accepted in without so much as a sideways glance from either the men or women.

“I ask !amace (pronounced with a click at the start, and spelt correctly!) – the old hunter teaching me – why they are so accepting. The answer is simple and comes with a broad smile. “We are all one. Men, women, black, white or San bushman.”

Here, they have no hierarchy, no weighted judgements. All are equal, they believe, because all of us have come from the same ancient Earth and will go back to that same soil when our time comes.

“Perhaps it is this humanity and togetherness that has seen them become the longest surviving people on our planet.”

Holly Budge on the Himalayas

Holly travelling through the Himalayas (Holly Budge)

Holly is a world-class adventurer, a renowned conservationist and the founder of How Many Elephants. Here, she tells us why the Himalayas hold a special place in her heart

Holly showcasing the How Many Elephants logo (c/o Holly Budge)

“I love being in the Himalayas: wandering, climbing, hiking, day-dreaming, sketching, writing and just being. Life in these mountains is not for the fainthearted though!

Every day presents new challenges. A positive mindset and an acceptance that nothing is perfect or even comfortable is essential. However, the rewards are huge.

“A stand-out memory is enjoying the summit of Mount Everest for over 30 minutes, with just myself and my climbing partner, soaking in the view and the bluebird day.

“There is a wonderful simplicity about life in the mountains. Every piece of equipment has a role, every object has a place and thoughts have purpose.

I love the local people I have met in the mountains, the culture and the energy.”

Rhiannon Bryant on Rajasthan, India

Rhiannon Bryant with women in Rajasthan (c/o Rhiannon Bryant)

Rhiannon is a trip manager at Contiki. She has led trips across many parts of the world, and is currently working in Asia

“A place which means a lot to me is the Dhonk Centre, Ranthambore, in Rajasthan. In the photo (above) on a recent trip at the Dhonk Centre, I am sitting with the inspiring ladies and laughing about them organising my Indian arranged marriage.

“Dhonk is a social enterprise supported by Contiki and Treadright, which focuses on female empowerment and tiger conservation in the national park here in Ranthambore.

“We may differ in our appearance, our culture and our language. But want we want from this world is the same: equality. These women are my sisters.”

Nastasia Yakoub on South Africa

Nastasia en route to her next destination (c/o Natasia Yakoub)

Nastasia is a photographer, travel blogger and author. Here, she tells us about the country that inspired her to set up her travel community, Dame Traveler

Natasia Yakoub

“South Africa will always be one of the most special countries to me. Eight years ago, I was knee-deep in nursing school at Loyola University and had a dream to volunteer in Africa.

Having never travelled solo before, I began searching for people and friends to join me on this trip, only to find that no one would actually commit to it, especially on short notice.

So, one day while I was sitting in Anatomy and Physiology class, I impulsively booked a flight to Cape Town, South Africa… so there was no way I could talk myself out of it!

“I hopped on a flight and joined 12 other volunteers from all over the world for three whole weeks, to give back and reconnect with myself.

“Being a sheltered girl from Michigan, moving to Chicago was a feat in and of itself, but the notion of travelling to Africa alone was just terrifying.

But I did it anyway. I cried tears full of fear on my way there, but happy tears on my way back because I was so proud of myself for pulling it off. I felt empowered and I wanted more.

“This was the very beginning of my love for solo travel and it became the inspiration for my idea to start @dametraveler. It’s crazy how one impulsive decision could drastically change one’s life.

To think that I may not be telling this story now if I didn’t impulsively book that flight in class that day is mind blowing to me. Sometimes, you just have to listen to your gut instead of other people’s opinions, you never know where it may lead you.”

The Dame Traveler community has been so successful that Nastasia now has a book out,Dame Traveler: Stories and Visuals from Women Who Live the Spirit of Adventure.

Julie Gabbott on Benin

Julie in Benin with the locals (c/o Julie Gabbott)

Julie is an award-winning guide for Dragoman, leading countless trips all over the world. Here, she shares why Benin is a special place to her

When I think of places that have particularly shaped me and inspired me as a woman, my mind goes to rural Benin.

When I met people here, I really learned that even though we may not speak the same language or dialect, as women we all connect and move to the same beat.”

More stories of incredible women in travel:

Totally mired: The most beautiful bogs from around the world

1. Kemeri Bog, Latvia

Kemeri National Park Bog trail in Latvia (Shutterstock)

For a long time Latvians were wary of their bogs. Latvian folk stories are full of tales of naughty children who go missing in the swampy waters. And during the Second World War, the Germans lost many a tank – and quite a few men – to Latvia’s voracious mires.

Today, Latvians have embraced their bogs, appreciating their ethereal beauty and recognising their importance in the country’s ecosystem. They have created national parks around them and built walkways that allow visitors to venture deep into the mire, without causing mischief to themselves or the bogs.

One of the most beautiful and accessible is the bog trail in Kemeri National Park, just 44km west of Riga. The boardwalk here takes visitors to a world of moss, small pine trees, deep pools, tiny dark lakes, and the smell of wild rosemary. There are two walks available, both leading to a wooden observation tower that is perfect for watch the sun set over the ethereal landscape.

2. Cranberry Bog, Carlisle, Massachusetts, USA

Red cranberries in flooded bog during annual harvest (Shutterstock)

This extraordinary bog in Massachusetts is at once a ‘farm’ and a nature reserve. The Lowell Cranberry Company harvests the wild cranberries that grow here every autumn, and the local authorities maintain a nature reserve and trail for the rest of the year. Native Americans have harvested the wild cranberries here for hundreds of years.

The sight of the bright red berries floating on the bog is something to see.The area is also rich in birds and wildlife, with frequent signs of beaver, fox, muskrat, mink, and otters. Swallows, bobolinks, herons and spotted sandpipers are regular visitors, too.

3. Waen Rhydd Bog, Wales

A competitor swims at a Bog Snorkeling Championship (Shutterstock)

Every August Bank Holiday weekend, thousands of people descend upon Llanwrtyd Wells in mid Wales to compete in one of the most bizarre sporting contests on the planet – the World Bog Snorkelling Championships.

Now in its fourth decade, the unorthodox event attracts competitors from as far away as Australia.The competition takes place in a trench in Waen Rhydd, a mile outside of town, and sees elite bog snorkelers try to swim through 60m of muddy bog water as quickly as possible. English swimmer Kirsty Johnson set the world record time of one minute, 22 seconds back in 2014.

For the less athletic, there’s a Fancy Dress Section, where competitors are rewarded for the originality of their outfits rather than any bog snorkelling capabilities.

4. Cuvette Centrale, Democratic Republic of Congo

Wading through the Cuvette Centrale bog (Shutterstock)

Deep in the Congo Basin, at least a week’s trek from the nearest signs of civilisation, lies Cuvette Centrale. The size of England, it is the largest tropical peatland in the world, locking in 30 billion tonnes of carbon and creating a unique ecosystem where an abundance of flora and fauna thrive.

Straddling the area where the Congo River crosses the Equator, the bog is incredibly remote. This has been both a blessing and a curse. It means the area has been allowed to remain relatively undisturbed.

But at the same time, the remoteness has meant that the government hasn’t bothered to introduce any conservation measures – a real concern should this huge sink for the world’s carbon ever be disturbed.

5. Lahemaa Bog, Estonia

Bog swimming in Estonia (VisitEstonia.com)

Ancient and beguiling, Estonia’s bogs and mires are an integral part of the Estonian spirit. Making up over a fifth of the country, they are places of great beauty, especially in Autumn when they are transformed into a wonderland of misty mornings and rustic hues.

Estonia’s most famous bogs are Soomaa and Matsalu in the south and Lahemaa and Viru in the north. Lahemaa, is perhaps the easiest to reach, being just 70km east of Tallinn, and is a popular spot for bog walking, a squelchy activity that will see you donning snow-shoe-type footwear to walk across spongy bog.

There are boardwalks for the less adventurous. And the opportunity to go bog swimming for those who are feeling brave. Your reward? A fabulous complexion. Bog water is rich in organic compounds found to tighten and soften the skin.

6. Bjaeldskovdal Bog, Denmark

Landscape near Silkeborg. Bog bodies not shown (Shutterstock)

The preservation of bog bodies in peat bogs is a natural phenomenon, caused by the unique physical and biochemical composition of the bogs.

The Danish bogs are better at this than most, particularly those on the Jutland peninsula. Salt air blowing in from the North Sea encourages peat growth and gets the chemical mix for preserving a human body just right.

The most famous peat body is Tollund Man, found in the Bjaeldskovdal bog, six miles outside of the small town of Silkeborg. He is on display, chestnut coloured and leathery, in a glass case in the Silkeborg Museum – 2,300 years old and looking quite good for it.

Bjaeldskovdal bog itself, is little more than a spongy carpet of moss. There’s a few spindly trees and a wooden post marking where the Tollund Man was found. Stick to the clumps of ochre-coloured grass if you want to avoid being dug out in a couple of thousand years yourself!

7. Monadh Mor, Scotland

Looking toward Monadh Mor (Shutterstock)

Scotland is home to over one million hectares of bogland. As forests have come and gone over the millennia, the bogs have remained, wide open spaces that haven’t changed much since the Bronze Age.

Bogs have always been an integral part of Scottish life. The dye used in Scottish Tartan originates from bog plants and water from the bogs give Scotch whisky its distinctive peaty flavour. It is home to carnivorous plants that feast on the rich insect life and provides sanctuary to otters, badgers, pine martins and stoats.

Monadh Mor, just north of Inverness, is one of the best places in Scotland to see rare bog woodland. The four mile trail here will take you mature Scots pine and birch, to boggy wet hollows, where standing water forms into ponds and the trees are stunted and small, the moisture performing a kind of natural form of Bonsai.

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