Rapa Nui’s sacred statues have ‘irreparable’ damage after fire

A fire that swept across some parts of Rapa Nui – also called Easter Island – has caused ‘irreparable’ damage to its sacred statues.

Located more than 3,000 km off the coast of Chile in the South Pacific Ocean, Rapa Nui is known for being the home to more than 1,000 stone-carved giant heads, better known as moai.

Moai stone statues at Rano Raraku crater (Shutterstock)

However, Chile authorities have reported that a fire which started on Monday (3 October) had blazed across more than 100 hectares (247 acres) of the island. 

The fire is thought to have been started deliberately in the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Rano Raraku crater, an area which includes wetland and many moai.

In a Facebook post, Ariki Tepano, Director of the Ma’u Henua community who manage the national park said: “The moai are totally charred and you can see the effect of the fire upon them”

He also stated that the damage is “irreparable and with consequences beyond what your eyes see.”

The moai are thought to have been carved more than 500 years ago by the indigenous Polynesian population who lived here. Many are up to four metres in height, with the heaviest weighing 74 tonnes.

“The cracking of an original and emblematic stone cannot be recovered, no matter how many millions of euros or dollars are put into it,” said Rapa Nui’s Mayor Pedro Edmunds Paoa in a broadcast on local radio. “The damage caused by the fire can’t be undone.”

Travel writer Shafik Meghji has previously visited the remote island on assignment for Wanderlust (read his story here). He said: ‘The news from Rapa Nui is absolutely devastating. It’s hard to overstate the cultural and spiritual significance of the moai, which represent revered ancestors and face inland, watching over the Rapanui people and providing protection when needed.

“At this stage, it’s unclear how many have been damaged, but Rano Raraku – a volcanic crater in which most of the moai were carved before being transported around the island – has been badly hit. There are almost 400 statues at this site alone.

“The fact the fire broke out just a few months after the island reopened for tourism – on which the local economy depends – is particularly cruel.”

It is thought the fire could not be controlled due to a ‘shortage of volunteers’, allowing it to reach the island’s important archaeological sites.

Rapa Nui only reopened three months ago after being closed for two years due to the coronavirus pandemic. Its economy strongly relies on tourism, usually receiving more than 160,000 visitors every year.

Easter Island: Two million metres apart

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Want to hear Easter Island brought to life?

In the third episode of the first series of Wanderlust: Off the Page we speak to award-winning travel writer Shafik Meghjito uncover the enchanting and remote Easter Island, learning about Shafik’s first hand experiences and diving into the destination’s remarkable history, culture and nature.

After a steep hike up the Te Ara O Te Ao trail, through eucalyptus, papaya, cypress and acacia trees, and across swaying grasslands dotted with purple-flowering thistles, I finally reached the vast crater rim of Rano Kau, a 324m-high volcano that dominates the southernmost tip of Easter Island. The calls of a swooping, hawk-like caracara briefly sounded before being drowned out by a howling wind that threatened to buffet me over the precipice and into the flooded caldera below.

Now dormant, Rano Kau is home to the ruins of a ceremonial village named Orongo, which is closely associated with the fabled Birdman contest. To the north, it offers views of the island’s only town, quiet, low-rise Hanga Roa – with the aid of my camera zoom, I even made out a pair of moai statues on a distant headland. In the opposite direction the navy-blue waters of the Pacific were perfectly framed by a shallow, semi-circular gap in the crater wall. Although it’s one of Easter Island’s most dramatic sites, Rano Kau is rarely crowded. There was no one else at the crater or on the narrow path to Orongo. Indeed, when I gazed out at the seemingly endless ocean the thought struck me that, beyond the island’s shoreline, there was no one within 2,000km.

The naval of the world

Rano Kau, Easter Island (Shutterstock)

Known locally by its Polynesian name Rapa Nui, Easter Island (Isla de Pascua in Spanish) is one of the remotest inhabited islands on earth. Less than half the size of the Isle of Wight, it is stranded in the Pacific Ocean, more than 3,500km west of mainland Chile. The island’s nearest inhabited neighbour, Pitcairn, lies just over 2,000km to the west – roughly the distance between London and St Petersburg. It is this mind-boggling isolation that keeps drawing me back: a desire to experience life on a tiny, triangular speck of land so far removed from anywhere else.

Easter Island’s remarkable culture and history provide a similarly magnetic pull. It was settled between AD 800 and 1200 by intrepid Polynesian navigators – probably from the Marquesas or Gambier archipelagos – who sailed for thousands of miles across the uncharted ocean in double-hulled voyaging canoes. Once they arrived they embarked on a frenzied period of statue carving – a form of ancestor worship – almost without parallel. My guidebook work has taken me to an island often referred to as Te Pito O Te Henua – the Navel of the World – three times over the past decade.

On the most recent occasion, before the pandemic, my five-hour flight from Santiago landed in the late evening. Within 20 minutes I’d collected my backpack, received a lei of pink and white flowers, and been transferred to the Nayara Hangaroa hotel. I had three full days to explore and was keen to combine the more famous attractions – places I’d seen before but that generously repay repeat visits – with others that are lesser known.

Sunrise to sunset

Sunrise over moai (Shutterstock)

The following morning I was up before dawn for a 30-minute drive to the coastal site of Ahu Tongariki. It was still gloomy when I arrived and the 15 monumental moai – the largest weighing around 30 tonnes – loomed imperiously out of the shadows on top of a 220m-long platform or ahu. In the background, the sun rose steadily out of the Pacific, illuminating the biggest surviving ceremonial structure in Polynesia with a burnt-orange spotlight. The statues represent revered ancestors and face inland, watching over the Rapanui and providing protection when needed. Sometimes, however, they require a little help of their own. In 1960 a tsunami struck the island, knocking the Ahu Tongariki moai off their perch; they were only restored in 1995, thanks to financial assistance from Japan.

A 10-minute walk inland took me to Rano Raraku, a grass-covered crater where most of the 1,000-or-so statues on Easter Island were carved in situ from lapilli tuff, a rock of compacted volcanic ash; they were then transported – probably on wooden sledges or rollers, although legend says they walked using their mana or spiritual energy – to platforms across the island. However they moved, it was a monumental feat. Almost 400 unfinished, broken and abandoned moai remain in the quarry, their gigantic heads and torsos protruding from the slopes at erratic angles, as if sprouting from the soil itself. They include Te Tokanga, the Giant, the largest moai ever carved. He reclines on his back, almost 22m tall and weighing around 200 tonnes, equivalent to 30 African elephants. Rano Raraku is a mesmerising but vaguely melancholic place; it felt as if the master carvers had fled in a hurry, leaving their inscrutable subjects in the lurch.

Later I headed over to Anakena, where a crescent of golden sand, sprinkled with palm trees and moai, meets the turquoise sea – an excellent spot for a swim. It is a beach upon which I would gladly be cast away. But it also has a deep cultural resonance: according to oral traditions, it was where the first settlers landed a millennia or so ago, creating the easternmost outpost of Polynesian culture.

Back in Hanga Roa I bought a bottle of locally brewed Mahina beer and an empanada stuffed with tuna and joined the crowds at the ceremonial site of Tahai. Beyond a pretty, flower-filled cemetery, a grassy slope provided a viewing platform for a series of squat moai, the sun slowly melting into the Pacific behind them.

The lost script of rongorongo

Tahai Ceremonial Complex at sunset (Shutterstock)

I wanted to spend my second day exploring some sites I’d missed on earlier trips, so took a tour with Hana, a cheerful guide from the hotel. She drove us inland to the gentle volcanic hill of Puna Pau, site of a quarry that provided the iron-rich scoria rock used to carve the pukao (topknots) added to many of the later moai. They represented Rapanui hairstyles at the time, Hana explained. We continued on towards Maunga Terevaka, the highest peak on the island, before stopping at the deserted site of Ahu Akivi. Some believe the virtually identical moai here represent the seven explorers who, according to legend, first discovered Easter Island. The most impressive aspect of the site, said Hana, was that the central moai is precisely oriented so that he faces the sunset during the spring equinox and has his back to the sunrise during the autumn equinox.

We drove on, scattering groups of the semi-feral horses that roam the island, until we reached Ana Te Pahu, one of several lava tubes, some of which stretch for kilometres. As we clambered down into a cavernous, subterranean world, Hana told me that these natural formations were once used for shelter, to collect rainwater – vital on an island desperately short of fresh water – and, thanks to their favourable microclimate, to grow crops such as bananas, pineapples and taro.

Ana Te Pahu was also used as a hiding place, notably during the conflicts – probably driven by increasing scarcity of food and other resources – that eventually led to the toppling of the moai in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Contact with the wider world, starting when Dutch navigator Jacob Roggeveen spotted the island on Easter Sunday 1722, also had a major impact. Within 150 years, slaving raids from Peru and diseases such as smallpox had decimated the indigenous Rapanui population. Christian missionaries and exploitative ranchers arrived later, before Chilean annexation in 1888 and the onset of colonialism. It took until 1966 for the Rapanui to gain full Chilean citizenship and the right to vote. Local autonomy, including over the national park, which covers most of the island, and the surrounding marine reserve – one of the largest in the world – has increased in recent years.

“The island’s current population is roughly half of what it was at its height,” said Hana on the drive back to Hanga Roa, explaining that an 1877 census recorded just 111 Rapanui islanders. Today, almost half of the 7,750 population are Rapanui, who speak a Polynesian-based language as well as Spanish. Beyond a few foreign residents, the rest are from mainland Chile. “Now, many of us [Rapanui] are related, which makes it difficult to find a husband,” she joked, with a wry smile.

Hana’s tour sharpened my desire to learn more about the island’s culture, so I headed to the Museo Rapa Nui, a small but rewarding museum where an afternoon drifted by in a flash. There was a rare female moai, some of the few surviving moai eyes – ruby-red scoria pupils in circles of white coral – and a range of obsidian tools. But the item that really captured my imagination was a replica rongorongo tablet, a wooden board roughly the size and shape of a cricket bat minus the handle and covered with beautiful geometric glyphs. Some academics believe rongorongo is one of only a handful of written languages to have developed independently. Frustratingly, knowledge of the script died out in the 19th century and it remains undeciphered.

The Birdman trail

A local man in native dress, Easter Island (Shutterstock)

On my last morning, I strolled to the outskirts of Hanga Roa, along empty streets lined with wooden bungalows and luxuriant gardens, to meet James Grant-Peterkin, the most remote British Honorary Consul in the world – a title that sounds like it has slipped from the pages of a Graham Greene novel. Also a guide, author of A Companion to Easter Island and one of only a handful of foreigners to speak the Rapanui language, James looked more like a surfer than a state representative, dressed in board shorts and sporting an arm tattoo. Over coffee I asked him about an aspect of the island’s history that is often overshadowed by its statues: the Birdman contest.

The conflicts that resulted in the toppling of the moai, James explained, prompted the warring factions to collectively develop a new set of religious beliefs to help restore order. “They came up with a competition in the spring, coinciding with the seabirds, particularly the sooty terns, that nested here every September,” he said. “Each tribe put forward a young man who competed to get the first sooty tern egg of the year [from the offshore islet of Motu Nui]. The winner transferred power to his chief, who was named Tangata Manu – Birdman – and became the spiritual leader of the island for the next 12 months.” The competition lasted for some 150 years until missionaries put an end to it in the 1860s.

The chat confirmed my plans for my final afternoon: a hike up the Te Ara O Te Ao trail to Rano Kau and the ruins of Orongo, a route once walked by Birdman contestants. Precariously perched on a 300-metre-high clifftop, Orongo is scattered with the remains of low, oval-shaped ceremonial buildings and exquisite petroglyphs slowly succumbing to the elements. (It was also once the home of Hoa Hakananai’a, a moai decorated with Birdman imagery, which is now in the British Museum; many islanders are calling for his return.) After looking around the site, I walked towards the edge and peered down at the near-vertical drop, the waves lashing the shore and at the seemingly impenetrable sides of Motu Nui in the near distance, marvelling at the athleticism, courage and bloodymindedness of the Birdman competitors, who would swim back from the islet and scale Rano Kau’s sheer cliffs.

Orongo was another reminder that Easter Island offers much more than moai. My trip had given me a broader perspective, taking me to places I’d missed or hurried through in the past, illuminating aspects of the island and its heritage I’d previously overlooked, and refreshing memories of more familiar sites. It left me better informed – and already plotting a return in the future.

I walked back through the Orongo visitor centre, where there were stark warnings that the site was at risk due to erosion. This is one of several challenges facing Easter Island, alongside inadequate services and facilities, the impact of migration from mainland Chile, overtourism (more than 100,000 people visited annually before the pandemic) and, of course, the climate crisis.

But after learning more about the history, culture and resilience of the Rapanui people, I departed for Santiago feeling optimistic. After all, for the descendants of pioneering seafarers, master carvers and islanders who overcame existential threats for centuries, nothing seems insurmountable.


Ahu Akivi (Shutterstock)

The Trip The author stayed at the Nayara Hangaroa hotel, which provided accommodation and a guided tour.

Getting thereBritish Airways flies direct from London Heathrow to Santiago. Flight time is roughly 14.5 hours. It my be cheaper to travel via a European, USA or Latin American city with an airline such as LATAM or Iberia. LATAM is the only airline serving Easter Island, flying daily to/from Santiago. Flight time is from 4.5 hours.

Getting around Guided group tours of the main sites are popular but often a bit hurried. Kava Kava Tours and Easter Island Spirit, run by James Grant-Peterkin, offer private tours. There’s no public transport and few taxis but several places rent out cars and motorbikes; note that there’s no vehicle insurance on the island. Hiring a bike is a good option for visiting local sites.

Accommodation Almost all of Easter Island’s hotels and guesthouses are in or around Hanga Roa. Prices are high and the most popular places often get booked up quickly. There are several decent mid-range options with double rooms such as Hostal Tojika, plus a few cheaper hostels and campsites. The luxurious Nayara Hangaroais at the top end of the scale.

More on Easter Island

Cultural things to do on Easter Island

Known locally as Rapa Nui, we reveal why Easter Island is best visited in February for an authentic culture fix…

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Culture is waiting on
Easter island

Known locally as Rapa Nui, we reveal why Easter Island is best visited in February for an authentic culture fix…

What do you think of when you think of Easter Island? Peace and quiet? The sun burning orange over the iconic moai statues? There is no denying that this ancient part of Easter Island’s heritage is utterly fascinating. But there is a noisier, more colourful and livelier side of Easter Island’s culture waiting to be discovered, and it will turn your perceptions of this isolated outpost on its head…

Easter Island at a glance…

If there is a word that sums up Easter Island it is ‘remote’. It is one of Chile’s islands…

Yet it sits some 3,500km away from mainland Chile in the Pacific Ocean.

Its nearest neighbour is Pitcairn…

Which lies 2,000km to the west.

To put that in perspective….

That’s roughly the same distance as there is between London, England and St Petersburg, Russia!

A spotlight on the Tapati Festival

Set up to celebrate and preserve the Rapa Nui culture, the Tapati Festival is held every February for around two weeks and sees the island come together to compete in various challenges. The island is split into two teams who go head to head in competitions ranging from singing and dancing to triathlons and whizzing down mountains. Take a look at these highlights from some of the contests…

Horse racing 

In the Vaihu area, young competitors ride horses with no saddles, putting on a heart-racing show filled with thumping hooves and clouds of dust. 


This isn’t your usual triathlon! The Tapati Rapa Nui version begins with ‘vaka ama’ which sees contestants racing across a lake in a boat built from water reed. Once they reach the land, they are laden with big bunches of bananas which they carry while running barefoot around the parameter of the lake. For the final leg, the participants have to swim 400m across the lake. 

Haka pei 

What could be more fun or thrilling than sliding down a 200m hill on a sledge made from banana trunks? For this contest, participants dress in traditional clothing and body paint before braving the fast decent. The winner is the one who manages to slide the furthest. 

Cooking contests

For this competition, contestants feel the heat in the kitchen as they dish up traditional Rapa Nui meals such as ceviche, Umu tahu (traditonal curanto – a feast cooked in the ground) ) and po’e (sponge cake) The chef that impresses the judges the most bags the points.

Dance offs 

As night draws in, each day of the festival is concluded with an entertaining show, where the two rival groups take to the stage for dance-offs and singing. With feather costumes, lively bands and hypnotic dances, it makes for a grand finale. 

A closer look at Easter Island’s musical heritage

Folk songs

Music is essential to the Rapa Nui culture, and the joy it brings can be felt in every song, every dance and every beat. You won’t just hear traditional folk songs being played at festivals, but during every part of life from rituals to deaths and much more. 

Each year during the winter months, the Ka Tangi Te Ako festival, or The Festival of Song is held, giving local artists a stage to perform their music – an intoxicating a mix of the ancient and the modern.

Listen to some Rapa Nui music now… 


How to make the folk songs all the more joyful? By pairing them with a dance, of course.

One of the most popular dances is the Sau Sau, which tells the story of a boat rocking on a stormy sea, hence the hip and hand rocking movements of the dance. 

Watch a Sau Sau dance now…

Another dance that tells a story is the Kai Kai, where women dance with cord props to tell ancient legends. 

Watch the Kai Kai now…

More of a stunt show than a dance, the Tamure is an impressive display of a group of men, showing off their quick gravity-defying moves. 


Rapa Nui has some great traditional sounds. The beat is kept with the use of a traditional drum such as a maea, a large stone that is hit in time with singing and clapping. 

Harking back to the island’s Polynesian background, ukuleles are what brings the joyful sound to much of the music and is a popular instrument on the island. Another sound you may be able to pick up in the music is the hio (literally translating to ‘whistle’) which is a bamboo flute. 

Listen to this song and see what instruments you can hear…

More Chilean islands well worth a visit…

It’s not all about Easter – many more islands lie off Chile’s lengthy coastline, from culture-rich archipelagos to penguin hang-outs to the homes of infamous castaways…

Written by Shafik Meghji


Why go? Sitting off the coast of the southern Lake District and northern Patagonia, the Chiloé archipelago is a fascinating, under-visited place. It encompasses extensive fjords, wetlands and temperate rainforests, colourful palafitos (stilted fishermen’s houses) and around 70 distinctive wooden churches and chapels that date back to the 18th and 19th centuries, 16 of which have been collectively named a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The archipelago also has a wealth of intriguing myths and legends, as well as a hearty cuisine focused on potatoes and super-fresh locally caught seafood.
Don’t miss: In the west of Isla Grande de Chiloé, the largest island in the archipelago, Parque Nacional Chiloé spans 430 sq km of moss-draped forests, sticky bogs, rocky coastline and windswept beaches. It is criss-crossed with walking trails and has an array of wildlife, including Chilote foxes, marine otters and a rare type of pygmy deer known as a pudú.
Need to know: Isla Grande de Chiloé is linked to the Chilean mainland by flights and frequent ferry services – principally from Pargua, 50km south of wellconnected Puerto Montt. It also has boat and ferry links to various other islands across the archipelago.


Why go? In the far south, beyond the Magellan Strait, South America crumbles into the sparsely populated tangle of islands, islets, channels and waterways of Tierra del Fuego, which is divided between Chile and Argentina; Isla Navarino is on the Chilean side. It’s home to isolated Puerto Williams, the world’s most southerly city (as of 2019, when the town got a status upgrade and edged out Ushuaia). A friendly community of around 3,000 people, Puerto Williams has rich indigenous heritage, which can be explored at the nearby Yaghan community of Villa Ukika and the excellent Museo Antropológico Martin Gusinde. It is also a jumping-off point for cruises on the Beagle Channel, day trips to Cape Horn and world-class treks.
Don’t miss: Starting from Puerto Williams, the Dientes del Navarino is a tough but incredible fourto seven-day trek. Expect wild weather, offbeat Andes, high-altitude lakes, sublime views and few other hikers.
Need to know: Direct flights and ferries link Puerto Williams with Punta Arenas in Chilean Patagonia. A cheaper, more convoluted option is to travel by bus and boat via Ushuaia, on the opposite side of the Beagle Channel, in Argentinian Tierra del Fuego.


Why go? The only permanently inhabited part of the Juan Fernández archipelago, 650km west of central Chile, Isla Róbinson Crusoe takes its name from Daniel Defoe’s novel, which was inspired in part by Scottish sailor Alexander Selkirk, who was marooned here in 1704. Now, the few travellers who visit can go birdwatching and hiking in the pristine rainforests, visit ruins linked to the island’s history of buccaneers and pirates, head out on fishing trips, sample the outstanding lobster, and get local insight in the village of San Juan Bautista, home to the island’s few hundred residents. Don’t miss: Isla Róbinson Crusoe offers some of the finest diving and snorkelling in Chile. The waters surrounding the archipelago are protected by one of the world’s largest marine reserves, and are incredibly rich in coral reefs, shipwrecks and aquatic life – much of it endemic – that includes rare Juan Fernández fur seals and 420 species of fish.
Need to know: Getting here can be a challenge. There are generally weekly (very bumpy) flights on small planes from Santiago. If you’re feeling more adventurous, it may be possible to secure passage on a cargo or naval ship from Valparaíso; the voyage to the island takes 30-60 hours.

Off the coast of the Norte Chico region, the Chañaral, Choros and Damas islands are covered by the Reserva Nacional Pingüino de Humboldt, home to a colony of Humboldt penguins; dolphins, sea lions, marine otters, turtles and various whale species can also be spotted. Isla Mocha, 40km west of the Lake District, is a tranquil, slow-paced island cloaked with forests – the result of copious rainfall – and ringed by deserted sandy beaches. It receives few visitors but boasts more than 500 species of birds, and is a superb place for wilderness hikes.

5 crazy contests to watch at Easter Island’s Tapati Rapa Nui festival

You know this South Pacific island is home to moai statues, but have you heard about its biggest festival, held each February?

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5 crazy contests to watch at Easter Island’s Tapati Rapa Nui festival

You know this South Pacific island is home to moai statues, but have you heard about its biggest festival, held each February?

Tapati Rapa Nui festival parade (Shutterstock)

Tapati Rapa Nui festival parade (Shutterstock)

What began in the 1970s as a way of promoting native culture to younger generations of Rapa Nui on Easter Island has morphed into a festival that’s popular with visitors from all over the world. After all, who wouldn’t want to watch a man in a loin cloth slide down a hill on a banana trunk? Visit the UNESCO World Heritage Site at the end of winter and here’s what you can expect…

1. Sport contests

Sport competitions are based on traditional activities, most of which test participants’ physical strength and endurance. As well as fishing for eels underwater, racing horses without saddles and paddling in dug out canoes, locals surf – Easter Island style – by coasting on waves only with their body like a turtle. Natives also take part in a triathlon. But forget cycling – instead the participants paddle on rafts made from reeds and hobble around a lake dangling 20kg of bananas around their neck. The real highlight, however, is cheering on the haka pei contest. Often dressed only in a loin cloth, a young man balances on two banana trunks tied together with rope, clinging on for dear life as he whizzes 80km an hour down the island’s steepest slope, the 200m Maunga Pu’I.

2. Food contests

Easter Islanders were cooking up a storm long before The Great British Bake Off, MasterChef Australia and Hell’s Kitchen came on the scene. Locals prepare traditional Rapa Nui cuisine which is judged by a jury. Sample dishes include ceviche; fish cooked on a hot stone; seafood and meat curanto stew and po’e, a sponge cake made with banana, pumpkin or sweet potato. You can also watch agricultural contests, during which native produce such as watermelon, pineapple, sugarcane and taro are judged for their size and weight. Massive watermelons: always a crowd pleaser.

3. Craft contests

The Rapa Nui are a crafty lot so the festival is a fantastic time to see their creations. Islanders make crowns, flower garlands and farewell necklaces from shells, petals and reeds. You can also watch natives sculpt and carve moai, petroglyphs and scripture from stone and wood, with judges evaluating them on their speed and technique. Don’t miss the contest in which natives use a pole to stretch and flatten the bark of the mahute plant into cloth – the winner is the person who makes the largest and finest fabric. This fabric is then used as canvas in other competitions, during which artists paint designs based on art found on the inside of caves around the island

4. Singing and dancing contests

The festival’s main singing and dancing shows are held at night on a stage at Hanga Vare Vare, a green space in the capital of Hanga Roa. Rival dance groups compete in a dance-off wearing traditional dress – think red skirts, shell necklaces and feather headdresses. As well as belly dancing Easter Island style – mimicking the movement of waves with their arms and hips – they act out the meaning behind the symbols and motifs painted on to their faces and bodies. Rival choirs also perform.

5. The Queen of Tapati contest

Travellers are encouraged to get involved in the procession, which sees floats, singers and dancers parade through Hanga Roa on the festival’s penultimate day. On the last day, locals and visitors support contestants competing for points in a nod to the former rivalries between the clans that once ruled the island. The couple with the most points wins the annual title of king and queen. At night, fireworks explode above the town.

Watersports (T photography/Shutterstock)
Ceviche (Shutterstock)
Native crafts (Lovelypeace  and Shutterstock)
Islanders dancing (Christian Wilkinson/Shutterstock)
Woman in traditional dress (Shutterstock)